Thursday, 19 December 2013

Advent Windows in Tunbridge Wells

In which I stroll around Tunbridge Wells at night looking for the magic of Christmas displayed in the shop windows of Independent Retailers.


                                       Bracketts in Tunbridge Wells High Street

At first I thought an estate agent is not a shop. But then I thought again, because traditionally this is where we go to look for a new home and so technically it is a shop, a shop for houses. Have you never stood in front of a an estate agents window and just stared and imagined yourself living in their photographic images? Don't you flick the pages of The Courier and imagine your furniture in that sitting room or wonder how you would cope with that Aga? Also what better way to gain a sense of the architecture of a town peering into an estate agents window.  Bracketts has been around since 1828 which is older than the date of my house which is 1860. We also found our house in Bracketts window so naturally I always casually gaze in when I am walking down the High Street. So we have an estate agent started in the Georgian period in this most regal of towns.

I just love these back lit houses nestling in the windows. How apt for the business. It reminds me of how I hand deliver my local cards, always in the evening. There is something atmospheric about delivering good wishes in the dark, when lights are on, curtains open with their Christmas trees on display that provides a feel good factor.

The houses in this window, all look perfect. That is what we strive for at Christmas, a perfect, inviting home that is warm and welcoming, especially on a cold clear night.


  1. I will try to post again, I left a message yesterday and it disappeared. What I said was that I was very proud of you, one of my members using her creative talents in such an inspiring way,. And for such a good cause, highlighting the independent retailer.

    1. Thank you Karen. It has been fun and I have had some lovely reactions in the strangest of places. Need to put my thinking cap on for next year.
