Friday, 11 April 2014

Woodbury Park Cemetery : Wanderings with a Camera

Busy putting together a photographic presentation based on the subject Elysian Fields in Tunbridge Wells, I can be found wandering with a camera in the early hours of the morning. Quite often I find myself lying on the grass to catch that close up shot of a plant in detail whilst trying to also capture a gravestone in soft focus in the background.
As a taster, here are three shots from the lovely, peaceful Woodbury Park Cemetery, that Victorian Mortuary Garden where over 6,000 people are buried. There are no gravestones in sight here because I am saving them for the evening when all with be revealed.

The first one is an update of the growth of the fritillaries

 These beautiful chequered plants are now dancing gently with the white capped version.

The delicate violet, with a flower of blue or purple depending upon the time of day or the age of your eye is now visible to the careful walker.

And finally, the humble bluebell. growing in the depths of an uprooted tree, remnant of the winter storms, symbolises the way nature gives back after destruction.

 Friends of Woodbury Park Cemetery

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