I am not sure as to why people would want postcards of cemeteries as it is hardly a 'Wish you were here' location. However, I am very pleased to have come across this one. Produced by Photochrom Co Ltd, I find that this company had it's premises in Upper Grosvenor Road in Tunbridge Wells at some point in its history.
Obviously with a 21st Century camera it is difficult to replicate a turn of the century image.
I am told the postcard is early 1900's, looking at the graves and their dates in comparison with the ones which are in the more current photograph confirms that date allocation. It has a Printed in England mark on the left hand side of the card, together with a number 23627 which according to this fascinating website by Paul Braithwaite dates it between 1907-1910.
Thought I would do a then and now comparison:
Standing in someone else's footsteps and seeing through their eyes.
Looking closely at the photochrom image here are some the elements in close-up. in their current state.
So I can add this postcard to my others, including the one of the local stonemasons' Burslem which I have shown earlier, but here is a reminder.
To find out more about the cemetery and its history the Friends Group issue an open invitation to :
Saturday 28 March 2015
First Annual General Meeting
3.00pm at the Burial Chapel
Main business approval of Constitution of the Friends Group
Election of Executive Committee Members
Exhibition in Disused Chapel
Speaker: An illustrated by Iain Johnstone of High Weald Partnership on
"Hidden Habitats - Plants and Wildlife in Hawkenbury Cemetery"
Prior to the meeting there will be a guided tour of the four graves which the Friends are seeking funds for repairs at
approx 2.30 pm
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